With love comes pain!

Ja som ni kanske har sett så har jag gjort en länk som heter "my own tales". Det är en berättelse som är riktigt bra! Har fastnat för den! Ni borde helt klart läsa den!

Såhär lyder inledningen:

I choosen tha name "With love comes pain" for my first tale. I hope you enjoy it! Here's the Introduction:

My life has always been normal. I had to work hard in school, play football five times a week and hang out with friends and family. It has always been a good life, but everything changed when I moved to Atlanta in the United States. There I met the guy I thought was the love of my life. Everything has always been normal, except for one thing – my powers. Yes I have supernatural powers. I can control the elements – earth, fire, water and air. Only my parents and my twin sister know about it. This story is about how my life changes, the things I go through and the pain that comes with falling in love – this is my story.

Hoppas ni gillar berättelsen!

Kram, kram


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